Wonderful Shammah Kaitane
5 min readDec 25, 2020

In life, a lot of goals are set but less are achieved.
Dreams are dreamt but few are fulfilled.
In short, Expectations are way better than Reality.

In a creative line of thought, Insecurities, Fear, Low Self-Esteem and Poor Self-Awareness are inter-related.
For starters, Insecurity is a feeling of anxiety or uncertainty about oneself whilst
Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm. Low Self-Esteem is the poor evaluation of one’s own worth, whereas Poor Self-Awareness is the failure to understand oneself.

Why Reality doesn’t turn out as good as our expectations

  1. Most of us are captivated by our insecurities
    Living with insecurities not only make you feel less valuable but then they also restrict you from doing certain things you have always hoped of tackling.
  2. We live in a Maze of Fear
    As much as Fear is concerned, it is vaster than we think and it is to why it has to be dealt with professionally and accordingly. In addition, fear steals the joy in us and in a way also restricts our line of thought. No matter how BIG and creative your Idea might be, it will always sink down and never heard if you are afraid of sharing the Idea. As such, we tend to question ourselves later to as why we did not give it a try from the start, and the more we think of the situation, it only leaves us with migraines.

3. Lack of High Self-Esteem
Failure to evaluate ourselves thoroughly leaves us doubting every little thing we think, do and even plan. This is practically a challenge because it impedes visibility and as such we never see what lies ahead of us as gold but rather all we see is rusted steel.

4. The failure to Understand ourselves
Often do we fail to understand our random thoughts on a specific agenda and also in the same way, we fail to understand our own capabilities which can allow us to live the life we expected. The failure to understand ourselves can also be branched off from self-doubt.

5. Comparison
Most of us tend to compare ourselves with other people. In most cases comparison is done based on what we can do, what we have and also how we look like, therefore bringing us back to insecurities. In a way, the tendency to always compare ourselves to others limits our own productivity levels as we always feel like someone can do it better than us after all. That mentality can never get us to where we expect ourselves to be as everyone has their own way of doing things unless otherwise.

6. Unproductive Comfortability
The “I am comfortable with how my life is right now” is what kills many dreams. People with this mentality rarely opt to trying new things (Productive or not) because they claim to be satisfied with their way of life. In that way, if their life expectations were beyond the life they are living now, they would hardly live those expectations with such mentality.

7. Procrastination
Procrastination greatly slows down progress since the things on ones ‘To-do list’ are always kept on hold thinking they will be done sooner or later. These plans which keep getting postponed could make one successful sooner than the time one actually gets done with the ‘To-do list’. Procrastination results in Stagnation.

Why Insecurities, Fear, Low Self-Esteem and Poor Self-awareness Inter-relate

With all being said, an insecure person will always feel like they are not enough or they are different. That element of having insecurities slowly builds up fear in that person based on that one insecurity. For instance, if a girl always feels insecure about her beauty when she hangs out with her friends, that insecurity slowly builds up fear in the girl and eventually she will continually avoid meeting up with her friends because she is afraid of being less attractive in a group of other girls.

Low Self-Esteem on the hand also builds up fear due to low confidence levels and massive self-doubt. A Low Self-Esteemed person usually suffers from decision making problems as to every thought the person has, doubt is attached to it. In a way Low Self-Esteem can also cause Insecurities.

Furthermore, Poor Self-awareness hinders one from realising what they are capable of doing. Therefore, one is prone to living an insecure life thinking he/she is not capable of doing whatever they please yet they have never given it a shot. Likewise, Fear can be a product of Insecurities and vice versa.

In summary, Fear=Insecurities=Low Self-Esteem
Poor Self-awareness=Insecurities=Fear

How to make reality as good as our expectations?

  1. Battle those Insecurities.
    Learn to accept your Flaws and Love yourselves more than usual. That way, you will be able to accept yourself and even challenge yourself to do more than you could before. Talking to friends can also help improve your Self-awareness.
  2. Get rid of fear
    As much as it is a natural thing, some forms of fear are rather more un natural and can be terminated as long as one has a positive mentality. Talking and sharing thoughts with peers can also help one get rid of fear as ideas on how to overcome that can be shared.
  3. Stop feeling “Comfortable” when you are not yet there
    Feeling comfortable with your current position in life shouldn’t be an excuse to not do more and in turn become lazy.
  4. Have High Self-esteem
    Learn to believe in yourselves more than anyone else would. In that way, you cannot struggle with external doubt as you already belief in the success of whatever you are doing.
  5. Stop Procrastinating
    The sooner you stop Procrastinating, the sooner that ‘To-do list’ gets fully checked. Therefore, the sooner yours goals get accomplished as well.

All in All;
Share ideas which need help, with peers
Set goals and get them accomplished
Don’t Underrate Yourselves
Find Positivity in Negativity
Don’t let Fear destroy you
Don’t Procrastinate!
Aim for the top
Be successful!

Yours Truly,
Wonderful Shammah Kaitane

